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Compared to U.S. Counties, Kane has a value of 9.1 which is in the best 50% of counties. Counties in the best 50% have a value lower than 17.1 while counties in the worst 25% have a value higher than 21.4. Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Suicide
(Compared to U.S. Counties)
Compared to the US Value (13.0%), Kane has a value of 17.8% which is higher and worse. "Fair/Poor" Mental Health
(Compared to U.S. Value)
Compared to the IL Value (16.5%), Kane has a value of 21.0% which is higher and worse. Diagnosed Depression
(Compared to IL State Value)

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Strategy 1: Promote resource web portal.

Strategy 2: Identify resources to support web portal.

Strategy 3: Expand implementation of trainings.

Strategy 4: Identify funding source(s) to support education.

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Strategy 1: Gain a better understanding of local collaborative efforts

Strategy 2: Create linkages between existing coalitions

Strategy 3: Plan and identify who will make up the action team

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Strategy 1: Create up-to-date resource list for providers

Strategy 2: Create and distribute information of available resources to providers using preferred method

Strategy 3: Conduct a system scan to identify gaps and duplications

Strategy 4: Patient provided warm hand-off between providers

Strategy 5: Create a standardized release of information to streamline process

Strategy 6: Develop linkage agreements/shortcuts between providers

Strategy 7: Create a resource app or scan box to connect to resources on smart phone

Strategy 8: Workforce development

Priority Spotlight On: Diagnosed Depression

Asked of all survey respondents: Has a doctor or other healthcare provider ever told you that you have a depressive disorder, including depression, major depression, dysthymia, or minor depression?
Data Source: Community Health Needs Assessment
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